Suspect Dyslexia?
Recognizing the signs of dyslexia in children is crucial for early identification and intervention. It’s important to remember that dyslexia can manifest differently in each child, and not all children with dyslexia will exhibit the same signs. However, here are some common signs that may indicate dyslexia in children:

Difficulty with letters and sounds
Children with dyslexia may struggle to recognize and associate letters with their corresponding sounds. They may have difficulty learning the alphabet or consistently identifying letter-sound relationships.

Poor phonological awareness
Phonological awareness refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds in spoken language. Children with dyslexia may struggle with tasks such as rhyming, blending sounds, or segmenting words into individual sounds.

Difficulty with reading accuracy
Dyslexia often affects reading skills. Children with dyslexia may read below their expected grade level, struggle with word recognition, or have difficulty sounding out unfamiliar words.

Slow reading
Children with dyslexia may read slowly and struggle with fluency. They may frequently pause, skip words, or have difficulty maintaining a smooth reading pace, making their reading sound choppy and halting.

Difficulty with spelling and handwriting
Dyslexia can impact spelling skills. Children may have trouble remembering and accurately spelling words, even if they have seen them before. It can sometimes be associated with difficulties with handwriting legibility and neatness.

Avoidance of reading
Children with dyslexia may try to avoid reading tasks or express frustration or dislike when faced with reading assignments. They may become anxious or stressed during reading activities.
For more information on a formal assessment, please visit here

Are you a parent or caregiver of a child with dyslexia and looking for support?
Check out Dyslexia Canada’s Community Connections peer-to-peer support program today.
Are you a Professional or looking for a tutor?
Listings in IDA Ontario Branch’s Professional Directory are available for individual professionals (eg. tutors, literacy specialists, psychologists, speech-language pathologists, advocates), as well as schools and clinics/centres that provide services for people with dyslexia. Tutors, literacy specialists, schools and clinics/centres must offer some form of structured literacy instruction to be listed in the directory.
We offer this directory as a service to individuals with dyslexia and their families to make it easier to find information, support, and solutions.