IDA History
IDA Ontario History
With a history dating back to the 1920s, the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is the oldest organization devoted to studying and supporting dyslexia. Founded by June Orton in memory of Dr. Samuel T. Orton and his pioneering research, IDA is unwavering in its research-driven approach, supporting individuals with dyslexia. IDA's contributions to the field, including its definition of dyslexia, framing and promotion of structured literacy, and the Knowledge and Practice Standards, are reflected in practice and policy across the world.
In the early 2000s, the IDA made significant strides in expanding its reach by establishing a presence in Canada. The journey began with the formation of the first Canadian branch in British Columbia. Around the same time, a group of passionate Canadians, who were members of the Buffalo branch of IDA, felt inspired to take action and bring the benefits of IDA's mission to Ontario. United by their commitment to supporting individuals with dyslexia, they set out to organize an Ontario branch of IDA. In June 2004, IDA Ontario was officially incorporated as a charitable organization, and it became a recognized branch of the IDA in 2007.