Dyslexia is a visual condition. Effective treatment could involve vision therapy, special glasses, or coloured overlays
It is a common myth that dyslexia is primarily caused by or related to visual problems, but dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in recognizing and manipulating the sounds of language. It's important to dispel the myth that dyslexia is primarily a visual issue because it can lead to misunderstandings and ineffective approaches to intervention, including vision therapy, special glasses, "dyslexia" fonts, and coloured overlays. Structured literacy instruction is a research-based approach to supporting people with dyslexia.
It is a common myth that dyslexia is primarily caused by or related to visual problems, but dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in recognizing and manipulating the sounds of language. It's important to dispel the myth that dyslexia is primarily a visual issue because it can lead to misunderstandings and ineffective approaches to intervention, including vision therapy, special glasses, "dyslexia" fonts, and coloured overlays. Structured literacy instruction is a research-based approach to supporting people with dyslexia.