Join us for Read October! What is Read October? To celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Month in October, Read October raises money through sponsored read-a-thons to raise dyslexia awareness. Funds go directly
Literacy and Learning Educator Conference Coming together to advance the right to read Join us in improving the lives of children who struggle to learn to read. Our sold-out 2023
Navigating Dyslexia Family Conference Designed for Parents and Family Supporters The Navigating Dyslexia: A Family Conference will focus on supporting parents and caregivers of students with dyslexia. Sessions will focus
This on-demand course is a flexible way to learn more about effective instruction of decoding and spelling. Aligned with Strand B: Foundations of Language of the Ontario Language Curriculum, participants
Les fondements essentiels à l’enseignement de la lecture, de l’écriture et de l’orthographe Pour les enseignants en immersion et en français langue première Le cours Les fondements essentiels à l’enseignement de ONlit is a comprehensive hub for empowering educators to provide evidence-based systematic and explicit instruction aligned with the new Ontario Language and Français Curricula. Visit